Monday, August 05, 2013

The Ditch from the Witch

After a short time off the beast is back. Enjoy the rant!!!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Ron—your unwillingness to work with me on the drainage ditch issue boggles my mind. My ditch and culvert must handle ALL your property/house discharge. The grass in YOUR ditch was intended to slow down your water and filter what goes in to my ditch. Now we are back to square one with your mulch residue running into MY culvert and ditch. If you care to inspect, you will see your mulch in the rocks on their way to my culvert and ditch. This stuff does not magically disappear. It clogs my water way. I have enough to do without hauling more rock, as you seem to want to kill all grass in the ditch rather than mowing/trimming it.

Are you willing to bear the expense of cleaning out or replacing my culvert when it totally clogs??? I did not t think so. Please stop killing the grass in your ditch! IF you do not want grass there, then fill your ditch with ROCK. What can you do to undo what your spraying undid?

And by the way, that blue kiddy pool is constantly with standing water, breeding mosquitoes for both Stella and me to enjoy. Isn’t it way past time to take the thing to Habitat and let them sell it to some family with kids who would use it?

Kindly review my comments and get back to me. We must come to some understanding about the ditch.