Saturday, December 27, 2003

Wood Stove part 3


I am writing for the third time asking you to correct the combustion of your wood stove. This afternoon, I attempted to enjoy the warm afternoon, my terrace, and a book, yet the continuous fumes from your stove drove me back into my house. I now have a headache and irritated nasal passages.

Why are you ignoring my requests? Shouldn’t I have the right to enjoy fresh air in my own yard? I am an avid gardener and gardening is not limited to summer months. I also enjoy being outdoors when weather permits, year round.

I am asking once again for the toxic emissions to cease. Perhaps a compromise would be to only use the wood stove during evening hours and not during daylight hours.

Please do not force me to take further action.

Thank you,

Crazy Neighbor

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Wood Stove part 2


This morning my yard is again filled with toxic fumes from your wood stove. This is my second request for you to correct the combustion of your stove. You cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Crazy Neighbor

Monday, December 01, 2003

The Wood Stove part 1


I have gathered some information regarding wood smoke for you:

1. Wood stoves that are working efficiently do not smoke excessively.
2. Smoke is unspent fuel
3. A hot fire burns clean
4. Age and type of a stove factors in its efficiency.
5. and may be sites that can help
6. Acme Stove in town can offer help as well.

I have noticed heavy smoke emitted by your wood stove for two seasons now and following today’s exposure in my yard (sore throat and headache), I find this an annoyance that I cannot continue to endure. Please remedy the situation this week. Thank you.


Crazy Neighbor