Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Cat Issues

Dear Neighbors,

I am writing in the event that you are not aware of the cat/kitten epidemic that has occurred on our road:

• Last year Chip’s female had at least 6 kittens. All were left outside to fend for themselves. It is doubtful that any of these cats have had rabies or other vaccinations. None were neutered.
• This year last year’s brood has had at least 7 (I suspect inbred). Brittany rescued one these mothers and 5 kittens and is caring for them at her expense until they can be adopted or given to a sanctuary.
• We recently discovered that another of Chip’s females has given birth to at least two kittens. They are living out of doors also.  
• There is a black stray female that has given birth to 4 kittens and resides under the Nelson’s shed. This colony is ferrell.
• There are numerous orange tabbies (not Maude) without caregivers living on our street. They survive by feasting on birds and baby rabbits and any handouts from the neighborhood. This presents many hazards, including many diseases that could affect our own cats.
• Additionally, there is a gray Persian male who appears to be a stray and travels to Chip’s through my yard every day and is possibly the sire of the Nelson’s clan.
• I wrote Chip twice in the last year asking him to find homes, adopt out to SPAC, neuter/spay, or keep indoors as his band used my flowerbeds as toilets. He never responded to either letter and obviously has taken no steps to be responsible for these felines.
• Brittany has spoken to him also and had his permission to rescue the colony she now cares for.
• She and I have both spoken to the SPCA and they informed us of the law:
• No cats are required to be spayed. They are required to have rabies shots. Animal Control could pay Chip a visit and demand proof that his animals are vaccinated. He could then forfeit ownership.
• Brittany and I, till now, opted not to take this road, in an effort not alienate Chip.

I personally think that SOMETINHG must be done to rescue these animals and steps taken to prevent this from continuing. Cats can have up to three litters a year. Do we want this? Do we call Animal Control?

I therefore ask each of you to discuss this with your families and respond back to be by July 1. I welcome comments; ideas and thoughts on how to best handle Chip.


Crazy Neighbor